Monday, October 24, 2011

Intools I/O List Preparation

While it is not describe in Intools Tutorial document, this post tries to describe how to prepare I/O List using Intools. Once Intools main instrument index view has been established, I/O list document can be prepared with less effort. Through instrument index browser in Intools, we can do filtering to obtain a list showing only instrument tag number which has an I/O point.

To make I/O list document completed, there might be fields which specifically related to I/O list details which should be added to the browser view. Fields such as Logic Descriptor, Signal Type, etc can be added to the list as necessary.

The following instruction provides step-by-step of how to prepare I/O list using Intools. It is assumed that the tag number and its major details especially I/O type have been populated in main Instrument Index view.
1. Open Instrument Index Browser
2. Expand “Instrument Index” Folder
3. Click “Instrument Index Standard Browser”
4. Click “Add View”

5. Type “I/O List” in view name field and SAVE
6. Click Style

7. Click “Edit”
8. Check the box under column view for field which will be shown in I/O list view.
9. There are spare fields named UDF_CXX which can be used as custom field such as logic descriptor, signal type, etc if necessary.
10. Save

Filtering in Intools browser module
11. Expand the I/O List View
12. Click “Filter”
13. Click “Edit”
14. Select “IO Type Name” in Field Name
15. Select “not null” in Operator
16. Save

Step 14 and 15 will filter the index and shows only the tag number which has an I/O.

17. Right Click on I/O List view and select “Open View”

The next step is filling the details through instrument index module.

a. Make sure the tag numbers connected to control system has I/O Type name been filled during populating the data base in the main instrument index view, otherwise it will not appear in the I/O list due to filtering.
b. Other details which related to control system information such as rack number, slot number and I/O channel number may be added if these information provided by control system vendor.